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New Episodes Coming soon

Jul 10, 2021

 Since the world keeps acting crazy, it’s nice to have an outlet to escape every once in a while whether it’s manga, books, tv shows, or movies. Here are our picks for movies that made an impact on our lives.

Thank you for joining us for our first season of Geeks Represent! This has been an incredible first run and...

The Fave Four! Movies that Influenced Us (Season Finale)

Jul 10, 2021

 Since the world keeps acting crazy, it’s nice to have an outlet to escape every once in a while whether it’s manga, books, tv shows, or movies. Here are our picks for movies that made an impact on our lives.

Thank you for joining us for our first season of Geeks Represent! This has been an incredible first run and...

Jul 3, 2021

On our last episode, we started discussing the difference between cultural appropriation and appreciation. As you can imagine, it was a very long conversation, so long that we had to split it into two episodes. Here is Part Two.


00:00:11 Intro

00:00:30 Asians Being Drawn to Black Culture

00:03:26 Pop Culture...