Jun 25, 2022
If the past two years have taught us anything, it’s that our lives are heavily dependent on our healthcare. We literally can’t live without it! But this doesn’t eliminate an inherent distrust of our healthcare system in communities of color, especially amongst the older generations. So let’s talk about people...
Jun 13, 2022
We’ve talked a lot about race when it comes to casting choices in movies and television. And aside from some missteps, we are seeing more diversity and representation in the last few years. However, things could still be better, especially when it comes to the divisions between light skin and dark skin members of the...
Jun 8, 2022
Maybe you like seeing stuff you saw ages ago being redone or continuing today. Maybe you feel like some things were great as they were and should be left alone. Either way, if it exists and was successful, you can bet Hollywood’s going to do it over and over and over again for all its worth. Here are our thoughts on...